Friday 6 May 2016

Year 10. The Sign of Four: Watson in Chapters 1 and 2.

You will need to use your skimming and scanning reading skills for this activity. You will need Chapters 1 and 2 of The Sign of Four to hand. Print off your responses when you have finished.

Click the image to access the questions.

Monday 25 April 2016

Year 10: The Sign of Four research. The British Empire and the Indian Rebellion of 1857.

The novel makes many references to India during the Victorian era, which means you will need to understand a little about The British Empire and India at the time. Later in the text, some action is specifically set during the Indian Rebellion of 1857, so it is vital that you understand what this was and why it happened before we read on. This will help you with AO3 - understanding contextual influences.

Click the image to download the research worksheet and questions. Print off your work when complete.

Monday 11 April 2016

Year 10: The Sign of Four research

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the author of The Sign of Four.

Click the image to access a research task about him. Download the sheet, complete both tasks, and print off your work.

Saturday 27 February 2016

An Inspector Calls: Act Two Questions

Click the image to access the Act Two questions. Download to your desktop.  Follow the instructions and type up your answers.

You need to PRINT OFF your work to hand it in.

Friday 26 February 2016

An example leaflet. Be the teacher
  • Click the image to access the leaflet
  • Use the markscheme to work out what grade the leaflet got
  • Give it a mark for C/O and a mark for SSPS, then add them up to make a total out of 20.

Saturday 30 January 2016

11A6: About A Boy independent extract analysis

You will need your copy of About A Boy to complete the tasks set this lesson.

  • You are going to use the lesson to independently analyse two extracts from the text 
  • Then, you are going to type up one extract response in 20 minutes.

Remember to use Hornby's name lots, and to indicate HOW Hornby is presenting the character.

Follow the instructions on the Word document, and complete the activities.  Click the image above, to access the document.

Friday 29 January 2016

An Inspector Calls - Act One revision/consolidation.

Complete the questions on Act One of the play, by JB Priestley.   

You should answer all questions in detail. Remember to back up your points with quotations from the play. 

There is a rough guide as to how much to write for each question. Type up your answers in a Word document.  Print off your work, once you have finished.

Click here, to access the questions.